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Updates from the front lines in the fight against occupational cancer in the fire service.
Stephen Yaciuk recently became a mentor after being asked to join the FCSN for several years. Per Steven, “I felt my heart strings being pulled
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FEMA Grant Awarded to the FCSN
In September, a FEMA Fire Prevention and Safety Grant was awarded to the FCSN to collaborate with the National Development Research Institute and DetecTogether to
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Charles “Trey” Kelso
In September, the FCSN suffered a major loss with the unexpected passing of our CFO and Board Treasurer, Charles “Trey” Kelso. In 2009, Trey started
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Jay Petrillo is a 27-year veteran of the North Providence Fire Department in Rhode Island. Recently having been promoted to Battalion Chief, he is currently
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In June 2022, 25 scientists from eight countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, to finalize their evaluation
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Cancer Treatment Centers of America
FCSN is proud to have Sustaining Alliances with Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), as well as Moffitt Cancer Center, University of Miami’s Sylvester Comprehensive
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Longtime FCSN President Announces Retirement
Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) President and Chief Executive Officer Bryan Frieders has announced his retirement, effective December 31st, 2024, ending a decade-long tenure that has significantly advanced the organization’s mission, positioning FCSN as a leader in the fight against cancer in the fire service.
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